Category: AUTHOR

Vampire: Find my Grave

John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester, vampire, notorious womaniser and author of erotic poetry, visits Bolsover Castle to take part in an occult ritual, a journey into Hades, the Underworld, to retrieve a great lost treasure in this paranormal thriller.

Vampire - Find my Grave

There is just one problem:

The treasure is guarded by Lilith, succubus and the Great Witch of Hades, and John will have to outwit her twelve times in a struggle of military prowess and bravery, using twelve medieval weapons.

John also has to endure the attentions of twelve beautiful demon women, set by Lilith to trap him, before he can finally reach the mysterious treasure.

He leaves behind him an account of his adventure and only three clues to the location of his grave.

Solve the puzzle and WIN £500!!

If sexy vampires are your thing, this book is for you!

You can find this book free on these websites:

Vampire – Find my Grave FREE! on Amazon
Vampire – Find my Grave FREE! on Smashwords
Vampire – Find my Grave FREE! on Google Play

Watch the updated video below.


Ordo Lupus y la Puerta del Templo coverThis has Chinese, German, Spanish, Portuguese and French sections.

这个页面有中国,德国,西班牙和法国的部分。 Diese Seite wird Chinesisch, Deutsch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch und Französisch Abschnitten. Esta página no tiene secciones Chinos, Alemanes, Españoles, Portugués y Franceses. Cette page comporte des sections Chinoises, Allemandes, Espagnoles, portugais et Françaises. Esta página tem seções Chinesas, Alemãs, Espanholas, Portuguesas e Francesas.

中文 下面的书籍已经可以在中国:

(Ordo Lupus and the Temple Gate) 圣墓寻踪:

Continue reading “中華-FR-DE-ES-PT-BR-MX”

Ficção científica e thriller militar em português

Duas novas edições para meus fãs brasileiros e portugueses!

O Sol Brilhante Demais

O Sol Brilhante Demais coverUm homem determinado busca vingança pela morte de um amigo, em batalha!

Em busca de vingança pela morte de um amigo há dez anos, Major Jake Nanden tem combatido seus demônios pessoais, com um fervor quase religioso, tanto em sua vida pessoal como em batalha.

Ele é um soldado tão altamente condecorado por bravura que sua fama o precede mesmo além da desolada lua em Júpiter, Io, onde seu batalhão está posicionado. No entanto, suas vitórias nas guerras Jupiterianas lhe parecem vazias, pois ele é um homem que teme sua própria alma.

Sua vida parece ser uma armadilha da qual não consegue escapar. Sendo de um pelotão replicante, que assim como clones, são odiados por todos. Continue reading “Ficção científica e thriller militar em português”

Free until 30/1/2023: The Hole Inside the Earth Vol 1

Only the Vampire Priests understand the Atlantis Prophecy

======= This offer ended =======

“Lots of cool action & drew me well in”-AHF Magazine

Tantor fell in love with his half-sister long ago, but she loved Omacron and now he wants revenge

The Hole Inside the Earth - woman with  sword on chest floating down river

Competition to Win Free, Signed Paperback of Screaming Angels!

My new romantic spy novel Screaming Angels published!

To celebrate, I will be giving away one, signed copy of Screaming Angels to my Newsletter readers in a competition on 16 October at 5pm BST. To sign up for the Newsletter before then, click here or go to the menu at the top of this page.

Continue reading “Competition to Win Free, Signed Paperback of Screaming Angels!”

Today’s News From: Rip – Find the Magic Key

indigo swatch— Brina is keelhauled. —

Brina didn’t remember what keelhauling was, but she decided she didn’t want to know.
Many of the ship’s crew stared at their feet while others dragged her to the bow.
“Do you think this a good idea?” she heard Devlin say to Brindley. “Suppose she dies? She probably will!”
“Then we won’t be docking in Tasman.”
“She’s only a woman!”
“Shut up Devlin. Do it now!”
The crewmen lowered Brina over the bow by the length of rope attached to her wrists while another sailor guided the other length of rope to the stern. He worked it under the moving ship’s hull and pulled it taught.
“Ready!” he yelled from the stern.
Six men lowered Brina to the crashing bow-waves, while three others hauled on the stern rope. Her feet touched the cold water, so she began to take deep breaths, taking her last a moment before her head went under. After that, she understood little of what happened, except that the sea battered her against the barnacle-studded planks of the hull and her lungs began to scream with the agony of asphyxiation. She held on as long as she could, feeling her chest convulse with its primitive urge to breath. The last thing she saw was a patch of light in the bottle-blue water behind her thrashing legs.
“You’re a lucky bitch!” a male voice said. “The Captain wouldn’t have revived anyone else but you!”

Rip-Find the Magic Key: 2nd longest Western novel at 1 M+ words. Buy Vol 1 | Understand more

Today’s News in: Rip – Find the Magic Key

blue swatch— Omah needs a shave. —

“I need a shave.”
“Let me show you. Take this off first.”
She tugged on the collar of his jumpsuit.
“Oh no! You’re not getting me naked that quick.”
“Ha! You’ll see us naked before too long. Don’t be shy.”
“Alright! Just strip to the waist then.”
Omah unfastened the sticky front tab and peeled the smooth, metallic top down to his waist, rubbed his bare chest out of embarrassment and gave Archivist a lopsided grin.
Now look in the mirror and say, “Shave!”
“Shave! Hey! What’s this! I have a white mark on my chest. Like a key!”
“Yes. I thought it was kinda cute when we were shown your body in one of our first briefings.”
“Oh god! You mean you’ve seen me naked?”
“Sure! All of it. And you’re quite a healthy man.”
Omah blushed and replied.
“But what does this mark mean? Do you have it?”
“No. You’re the only one. We don’t know what it means. You had it when you came to u- … . Oh there, now you’re jumping the gun! Or making me! Let’s do the shave.”
“But wait a minute! At least it’s something not blue! And Controller; he seems very emotionless and blank. Are you all robots?”
Archivist’s laugh sounded like the delicate titter of a teenage girl.
“It sometimes feels like it.”
“Androids then? Cyborgs?”

Rip-Find the Magic Key (now named The Hole Inside the Earth): 2nd longest Western novel at 1 M+ words. Buy Vol 1 | Understand more

High resolution images of the Ischian (alien) cruiser in Grail of the Secret Sun are available in the deluxe edition of The War for Iron: Element of  Civilization: Boxed Set.

Today’s News in: Rip – Find the Magic Key

indigo swatch— Mesago meets slavegirl Brenda and Omaya has to whip slavegirl Tina when she sneaks into his room, late one night. —

Omaya raised the whip and struck again, this time on the narrow part of her back, just above her hips. She let out small cry and shuddered. Omaya struck her until he had counted to ten, by which time red marks lined her back from her shoulder blades to the base of her spine. Omaya could resist no longer.
“Turn over!” he ordered.
“Yes master.”
Tina turned over and covered her breasts with her forearms, a reflex that she hadn’t intended.
“No!” Omaya said, falling upon her. He began to kiss her breasts, her belly and moved down to use his tongue where she could not resist. Tina moaned softly and closed her eyes. Having satisfied himself that she was moist and ready for him, he moved up to her face and kissed her red lips. Tina opened her eyes and stared into his. He saw her eyes open wider as he entered her and began to move rhythmically up and down, thrusting with all his unspent frustration and desire. He arched his back as he began to climax. Tina gripped his wrists and shuddered, accepting his lifeforce with a fervour that made her grit her teeth and utter:
“Oh! Master!”
Omaya lay down beside her but after only a few minutes, Tina began to wriggle down to his hips.

Rip-Find the Magic Key: 2nd longest Western novel at 1 M+ words. Buy Vol 1 | Understand more

Lazlo Ferran’s best-selling occult thriller: The Devil’s Own Dice

An ex-spy wakes up in an inescapable 13th Century dungeon; no light, no food, no way out!

The Devil’s Own Dice is book 3 in the Ordo Lupus and the Blood Moon Prophecy series, prequel to The Hole Inside the Earth.

The Devil's Own Dice trailer on YouTube

“A ‘Fully Loaded’ Novel” – 1DreamReader on Amazon

Erotic vampire Book 1 in the series  is free here: Amazon and Google.

It’s pitch black, he doesn’t know his jailer or remember his name.

Could his captors be his arch-enemies; the Biblical shapeshifting Serpents?

Continue reading “Lazlo Ferran’s best-selling occult thriller: The Devil’s Own Dice”

Cover Reveal for new Historical Fiction Release: Screaming Angels

Cover Reveal for Screaming Angels

Screaming Angels cover
Screaming Angels cover

I’m very pleased and proud to announce that my latest book, Screaming Angels, will be published by A-Argus some time in the summer. This story is a historical account of one the strangest deals the British ever did with Soviet Russia, with a romantic twist. If you love romance, this will be right up your street. And if you love aviation tales, especially about Cold War jets, you will also love it.

On a personal note, this book has caused my quite a lot of strife! I already knew about the Rolls Royce Nene engine fiasco, and then I had a strange dream. This became the inspiration for a new book, but the first draft didn’t electrify me, or my beta readers. It seemed to lack emotion, and the plot needed a twist. I sought inspiration in classic romances like Wuthering Heights and Lady Chatterley’s Lover and, six rewrites later, it has a lot of feeling and a great twist! I think I finally got it right. Read on if you want to sample some excerpts!

Continue reading “Cover Reveal for new Historical Fiction Release: Screaming Angels”